SACNASP under the terms of the Natural Professions Act of 2003 is required to register professionals in the field of natural science. Equally important is the requirement to renew their professional registration. In light of this SACNASP has developed and implemented a fully-fledged CPD system.
What does this mean? It means that professionals must complete CPD activities over a 5-year cycle to stay compliant and to renew their professional registration.
There are 3 categories in which professionals can claim credits.
Due to the fact that the developmental category (category 1) is compulsory, there needs to be a quality assurance process in place. This means the material that training providers present to the industry must be validated, quality assured and evaluated. SACNASP, industry professionals and experts in the various fields of practice will do this validation.
Training providers (or anyone who wants their material validated) must submit their material to SACNASP for validation. This will include presentations, learning material, handouts, evaluation forms and certificates.
*The website will take you through all the requirements.
The training provider will receive an invoice for the validation process and on payment an expert will be appointed to validate the material and to make the necessary recommendations.
If the application is successful then the training provider will receive a certificate. If not, then a report will be generated and recommendations will be made.
The benefits are:
If you are not sure about anything or need help please feel free to contact SACNASP at 012 748 6500 or